2 CSU Lal-lo students join international summer exchange program in Malaysia
Published July 08, 2024 by Ivan Howard Sumauang| The CSU Lal-lo Innovator

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Stamping a record on Cagayan State University at Lal-lo’s internationalization efforts, two students from the College of Teacher Education (CTEd) are now in Malaysia for their summer exchange program at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in Kelantan, Malaysia.

Leideehlie B. Perciano and Rea Mae R. Villa, both taking the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED), were two of the 16 students across six campuses selected by the university who met the qualifications to participate in the five-day exchange student program from July 8–12, 2024.

The two students pioneer the realization of the student exchange program as part of the internalization efforts of the campus as they become the first ever students to attend an offshore curricular experience reinforcement.

Reports reveal that the campus prior efforts for the student exchange program were pushed by the campus but did not materialize due to internalization protocol and arrangement concerns.

In an interview, Perciano extends her gratitude to Dr. Baby Lyn A. Lumabas, campus local and international partnership coordinator, to the college and the university for offering them an opportunity to learn abroad.

“Sobrang thankful ko sa CTEd lalong-lalo na kay Ma’am Baby Lyn and sa CSU as a whole for this opportunity, I will make sure that choosing me will be worthy. I am certain that I will learn more here, and this is my first time, so I am super excited,” she stated.

Moreover, Villa made sure that the experience was valuable because the chance to learn outside of the university comes only once in a lifetime.

The summer exchange program serves as an avenue for the students to experience different cultural and educational settings in the ASEAN region, as the university aims to provide quality and global education.

Dr. Giged T. Battung, Vice President for Internationalization, Partnership, and Resource Mobilization, and other faculty and staff from participating campuses also served as visiting lecturers for the exchange students.

The UiTM is the biggest public university in Malaysia and offers opportunities to gain understanding of language, arts and culture, biodiversity, business management, and technological advancement through its mobility programs. #